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Cervical Cancer
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Oral Cancer

Cervical Cancer

How does HPV turn into cancer?

It has been found that having one or more high-risk type HPV (16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59 and 68) is a prerequisite for the development of cervical cancer.

New statistics show cervical cancer is on the rise in young women. Although there is a greater chance of developing cervical cancer later in life, it is now common in women under 35 years of age. Even with this said, cervical cancer takes certain steps in developing, first there is the initial HPV infection and then abnormal changes in the cells lining the cervix. These abnormal cells are what the Pap smear and DNA HPV test are checking for. If these changes are found early, the abnormal cells can be easily destroyed.

How did the HPV change the healthy cells to abnormal cells? This is complex, but here is a brief answer. The HPV viron infects epithelial tissues through tiny abrasions, then the HPV integrates into the host genome, the proteins E6 and E7 are produced as the result of this. The E6 binds and degrades a P53 suppressor gene. If the DNA is altered, the cell keeps replicating and the tumor suppressor gene, which normally keeps the cell from growing too fast is hindered, and so malignant transformation occurs. Although, the relationship between HPV and cervical cancer is known to many, few are aware that HPV can cause penile, anal and oral cancer. If you were diagnosed with a high risk type HPV, that means you and your partner are at a higher risk for these specific cancers. This is why it's important to inform your primary care physician and dental professional of your HPV status.

If you have been diagnosed with cervical cancer, don’t worry, it can be treated successfully, but it will involve you making the proper choices. The treatment center you choose is of great importance. The physicians will need experience, as well as the ability to utilize current technologies. The cancer specialist of today must also be well educated in the fundamentals of nutrition in relation to your immune system.

You are our daughters, mothers, sisters and wives. You have been there for others, but now you must focus on yourself. You will get through this.


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